Sunday, July 26, 2009

My four old neice has lost almost all of her hair & ails from all over pain at times when moving

We thought she had alopecia, but the bone/joint pain in addition to the hair has me puzzled. She has an appointment at Children's Hospital...4 weeks out. I'm just anxious for any ideas.

My four old neice has lost almost all of her hair %26amp; ails from all over pain at times when moving or walking?

You need to immediately take this child to a MD or ER if necessary. If funding is a problem, there's help as well. But it sound a little on the serious side so act quickly. Please for the child's sake.

My four old neice has lost almost all of her hair %26amp; ails from all over pain at times when moving or walking?

this is serious and you are worried, and rightly so.

But please don't rely on the yahoos at yahoo for answers.

That can only make matters worse.

I will pray for you and your family.

Focus your energy on prayer and faith now.

Not a bunch of loons on yahoo. God bless!

My four old neice has lost almost all of her hair %26amp; ails from all over pain at times when moving or walking?

has she been tested for Lupus?

My four old neice has lost almost all of her hair %26amp; ails from all over pain at times when moving or walking?

Definately take her to the Dr., if the joint pain is bad or worsens get her to the ER immediately. As for the diagnosis, I think that would be too critical a question to have amatuers diagnose.....I would have to say rely solely on the Dr.s. If you are wanting to look up info on certain diseases you can go to, they are pretty good. My prayers are with you and your family. Seek God and he will help you!

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