Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What could cause a toddler 2 1/2 to lose large amounts of hair?

Here are a few websites that deal with hair loss in children. It is probably more common than we realize and the causes range from those that really cause little or no harm to those that are quite serious.

I hope this helps.

What could cause a toddler 2 1/2 to lose large amounts of hair?

Take the youngster to the doctors and get proper medical advice.

What could cause a toddler 2 1/2 to lose large amounts of hair?

poisoning ?

What could cause a toddler 2 1/2 to lose large amounts of hair?

id ask dr about food allergies as well. have you changed his shampoo or baby soap? clothes detergent? try a gentle massage of mashed avacado ..its good for the scalp and natural..rinse with warm water as u would with your conditioner

What could cause a toddler 2 1/2 to lose large amounts of hair?

Take the poor child to a doctor immediately.

Poisoning, having it pulled out, thyroid disorder, come to mind.

What could cause a toddler 2 1/2 to lose large amounts of hair?

Maybe combing it's hair too much or washing it to mush or playing with it too much.

What could cause a toddler 2 1/2 to lose large amounts of hair?

in clumps? not normal; go to doc.

all over evenly? he might just be getting his 'big boy/girl' hair.

how long has this been hapenning? does it grow back at all?

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