Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blonde Hair.....?

Am I the only person who thinks blonde hair isnt so hot anymore?? I think it lost its novelty when

1. People with light brown hair started calling it blonde


3. when people who werent natural blondes said they were

4. when 75% of the girls in the school had blonde hair.

Blonde Hair.....?

i think it looks good natural or fake, but if its fake to use a color that matches you.

Blonde Hair.....?

i think blond hair looks good when its natural.

Blonde Hair.....?

I think blond hair looks good when it's natural.

Blonde Hair.....?

I think we each ought to color our hair or not and style it the way we like and to heck with everyone else. The only opinion that matters in the end is the person with the hair.

Blonde Hair.....?

Not everyone can be blonde. I think the fad now is to look Brazilian or Latin. But any blonde will tell you she has more fun.

Blonde Hair.....?

Ya I think it used to be hot . I know lots of people that aren't blonde and always color their hair blonde but you don't see much of that anymore. I am naturally blonde and feel like I want to go darker. I guess everyone wants what they don't have.

Blonde Hair.....?

well, idk i like redheads better than blones(natural or bleached)

Blonde Hair.....?

I am a natural blonde; never colored. It always bugs me to see women with dark or black roots and badly damaged hair.

Blondes don't necessarily have more fun, girls, so go natural, whatever it is, and be a beautiful You--not someone else.

Blonde Hair.....?

I like natural blond hair.

Blonde Hair.....?

its not hot anymore. when christina milian did it i knew it had hit its breaking point. before i knew it, post-beyonce era, most if not all of the black female entertainers were coloring their hair blonde as if that was the thing to do. i want it stopped.

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