Monday, July 27, 2009

A question about african american hair ?

hey everyone well i'm african american and i wanted to do my hair for a certain event that is coming up ...i wanted to do my hair like christina millian's hair in her movie lost don't cost a thing the wavy curly hair look. see i was told that i could use moose to get that look.. how do i use the moose to do that hairstyle? what are the steps to get that look? i have very straight hair so it is very difficult for me sometimes . so can someone help me out? thank you ..what kind of moose should i use? ( that are good for african americans ) i used dove but it made my hair puffy.

A question about african american hair ?

Use google answer is alaways there :)

A question about african american hair ?

Don't use moose try Pink Lotion thats what I use and it gets my hair really curly and wavy.

A question about african american hair ?

go to a salon

that tight curl is hard to work with.

my hair is nappy and i just shave it off. i look beautiful bald... all over..

A question about african american hair ?

aussie moose works best

A question about african american hair ?

use 30 weight motor oil it will stairgten out the curls pricess peace out

A question about african american hair ?

you can buy stuff that helps african american hair.

I don't remeber what it's called though. if you go to you local beauty supply store ask them what wokuld be best for your hair. or you could get exstentions. that's what most celebrities that have african american hair do. good luck! [-=

A question about african american hair ?

Okay so what you do is you braid your in individuals..They can big or small braids depending on how you want your curls...Then you get the moose and rub it on each braid kinda like your drowning the moose in moose period makes yous hair frizzy and/or puffy soo you might also want to get a frizz ease serum to keep it under control!!!..Hop3 this helpz!!

A question about african american hair ?

Wash hair

While hair is damp apply Moose,i'd use a top of the line Moose,from the local hair dresser,+ while you're there ask their opinions,cause they'll know best,youll look great either way,don't sweat it :)

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