Monday, July 27, 2009

How much hair on our heads do we lose each day?

You can lose up to 100 hairs a day.Some medications can cause more hair to fall out(and not just chemotherapy).Some traumatic medical events,like surgery,can also cause more hair to fall out.Thyroid-related problems can also cause more hair to fall.Alopecia ariata can cause clumps of hair to fall out,but normally,up to 100 hairs fall out each day as the hair cycle of growth and dormancy play out(dormancy means that some follicles are "sleeping" or "resting").

How much hair on our heads do we lose each day?

i heard it's supposed to b about 100 a day.

How much hair on our heads do we lose each day?

my shower drain says alot

How much hair on our heads do we lose each day?

50-100 hairs on average is completely normal.

How much hair on our heads do we lose each day?

I heard it is anywhere from 100-strands to 200-strands a day but it grows back so fast that we can't even tell, freaky huh??? well i hope this helped!

How much hair on our heads do we lose each day?

I don't know. But every time I wash my hair, I lose some and then brush it, I lose some. Even when I brush it through out the day, I lose some. By now, I should be bald, LOL.

How much hair on our heads do we lose each day?

an average of 100 hairs a day.

How much hair on our heads do we lose each day?

about 80 strands, you now we lose hair and not even know we have lost it when the wind blows, when you put it up in ponytails or even just brushing it, the hair is gone

How much hair on our heads do we lose each day?

70-80, i think, i heard it on a show.

How much hair on our heads do we lose each day?

I don't loose hair daily. Your not supposed to lose hair on a daily basis. Maybe you should contact your physician.Cause I think you maybe going bald. Sorry, but they do have hair replacement centers, and/or rogain. .............................

My ex says (she is a hairstylist) "your gonna loose about 100 hairs a day. Don't ask me again. And don't make me have'ta buy a new pair of shoes" (cause I guess she doesn't wanna get her shoe stuck up my a-ss, when she kicks me)

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