Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Has your hair grown back after a chemical perm or relaxer disaster?

I lost some of my natural hair thickness after using a chemical relaxer that was too strong for my hair. Thankfully my hair appears healthy now. Its past my shoulders and it looks nice when I style it; however, my hair is nowhere near as thick as it used to be. I don't think it will ever grow back, but I was wondering has anyone else had a chemical disaster that made some of your hair fall out. Did it ever grow back? How long did it take? Months...years????

Has your hair grown back after a chemical perm or relaxer disaster?

I think it's important to remember that technically once your hair is relaxed that's it for that section of hair. The new growth is and will always be your normal natural hair.

When hair is relaxed, the straightening of the hair causes it to appear less thick as the texture is changed and it is straight. As your hair needs to be 'touched up' again your new growth in combination with the relaxed hair will (for some odd reason) cause the appearance and feel of your hair thicken up again. Once the new growth is relaxed again it will go to the state it's in now and the cycle will repeat.

Has your hair grown back after a chemical perm or relaxer disaster?

I didn't have a chemical disaster, but I did get a perm that has lasted for almost a year! I'm still working on growing it out (and planning to get is "de-permed" soon) but as far as I can tell, the hair growing in is just about the same as it was before.

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